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How to earn Bugs on Chobots?

Hello Guys ☻
Today I am showing you how to earn Bugs!

To earn bugs, you can do different things. -

Play games

You can play different games on Chobots, which you find in different rooms. They are fun, and exciting. ☻
Here are some games as Example:

You earn different much bugs in those games, try them all and choose one which you like most ! ☻

(No cheating; like asking anyone letting you win to you get Bugs)

Winning Contests

You can win contests too, which are on the Official Chobots Blog.
There are different contests. Example: On cow Mission contest you have to earn really many points, to get first and then prizes; (Like Citizenship, Bugs, Item)

Selling clothes you don't need

If you have really many clothes, and don't wear many of them, you can sell them and get money for them:

But only if you don't need them.


In different times, on Chobots Quests get added.

On the quest "Chistochob" You have to Clean the City and search for Trash. [You'll get a suit from him which you can do with)

On the quest "Chopix" You have to find Nicho spies and bring him them. (You'll also get awesome glasses, you'll see everything Purple with them, without the glasses you can't see the Nicho spies)

"Choproff" isn't actually a Quest, because you only have to answer his questions, at the end you get glasses, globes or 200 bugs :) (My favorite quest)

On the quest "Samantha", You have to find her Guitar Picks and bring them her!

There are much more Quests, just hold on and wait for them ;)
(There are Videos made by some Chobots too, where they show how to do those Quests; Example:

I hope I helped you guys ☻


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